FAQs & Background Information in Detail

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  • Is one get-together per language within several weeks sufficient?

Of course not! ... but better than not to meet and practice at all!

Don't forget that this is a longterm-project!

By participating actively and regularly, the meet-ups and the linguistic progess will sum up in the end. I do know this from my own experience.


The benifits of our meet-ups are pretty obvious:

  • To apply and practice the languages' knowledge you might have gained in external languages' lessons.
  • To overcome any scruples to talk in a foreign language.
  • To reactivate or to ajust a language once learnt in order to perfect or at least to not forget it completely.
  • To learn how to use the spoken language.
  • To nudge your motivation to read a foreign book again, to refresh some vocabulary or to pick up again a grammar topic. 

You might already live in Germany for quite a long time and perhaps still have some problems to express yourself in German, or don't feel secure in some linguistic fields. Due to my experience with our members from abroad this might have different reasons. Perhaps your social sphere is not German, perhaps you don't need to talk German at work. And even if your partner is German, he might not always correct you while talking German, etc...

All good reasons to join us! Don't you think?! 

  • Are there any special topics/issues to talk about?

Not necessarily, because the main topic is he corresponding language.
But it may happen, that somebody is making a country-specific topics' proposal, which then will be used as opportunity to talk about, considering the different aspects of the members' home countries.

  • Are there additional mutual events or meetings?

Not generally and not regularly.
But there are announcements of public/special events within our Web-Communities (Yahoo-Group/Facebook) either made by myself or by any of our registered members.

However, I will not provide any predominant organisation for those events.

  • Which people will you meet?

In principle everybody between 18 and 80 who feels like meeting new people and mentalities and - above all - is keen on making conversation in at least one (well, two, his mother tongue included) of these five languages in a regular manner.
At all of these languages' tables you might but must not meet the same people.
At the same time, of course every nationality is cordially welcome to join us - even if there is no meeting taking place for that specific language or mother tongue.

  • What about the general demand for/interest in our languages' tables?

We kicked off that project with 15 interested people in December 2006.
Meanwhile our members' "pool" evened out at 200 to 300 people.

However, I reserve the right to delete those members from our distribution list, who once registered a long time ago (for sure with the best of intentions), but never came, or those who did not come for more than a year. Because this 5-languages-concept needs active members to survive on a long-term basis.




Still more Info

Go ahead