tablón con las cotizaciones bursátiles - (Stock Exchange) prices board
capitalista - capitalist
suscriptor/-ora - underwriter
invertir en Bolsa - to invest on the Stock Exchange
acción - share
tramo - share issue
gestionar una cartera - to manage a portfolio
Las acciones se cotizan a mil pesos. - Shares are quoted at a thousand pesos.
obligaciones - bonds, debentures
lanzar una emisión de obligaciones - to launch an issue of bonds
título de portador - bearer bond
invertir en bonos del Estado - to invest in Government bonds
vender títulos - to sell securities/bonds
páguese al portador - pay the bearer
plusvalía - capital gain, added value
actividad bursátil - activity on the stock market
contratación - transactions, trading
estar cotizado en Bolsa - to be listed/quoted on the Stock Exchange
cotización de apertura - opening price
cotización de cierre / de clausura - closing price
índice de la Bolsa - Stock Exchange index
ampliación de capital - capital increase
La Bolsa sube - The market / Stock Exchange is becoming bullish
experimentar une ligera subida - to go up slightly
experimentar una subida acusada - to go up sharply
caída de los valores - drop in value of stocks/shares
La Bolsa baja - The market / Stock Exchange is becoming slack
experimentar una ligera baja - to drop slightly
El precio fluctúa - The price fluctuates
evolución del índice de cotizaciones - change in the price index
fluctuación de la moneda - currency fluctuation
gráfica de estadísticas - statistics graph
Dear Members,
I'm awfully sorry, but at present I'm not able to organise our round tables for personal reasons.
Cheers, Manuela
Date: tba
Language: tba (to be announced)
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